Tuesday 10 November 2015

Let's see 11 foods that can help prevent hair loss

Let's see 11 foods that can help prevent hair loss.

1. Eggs. Being rich in protein eggs prove good for the hair, composed mostly of keratin.
2. Dried fruits. Dried fruit generally contains iron, sulfur, biotin and inositol. All nutrients able to maintain healthy hair follicles. But they are especially almonds, are particularly rich in vitamin E, to help improve circulation sangugna scalp.
3. Carrots. Even those rich in vitamin E, contrast the action of free radicals, the main cause of cell.
4. Broccoli. Very iron-rich, they contribute to the proper oxygenation of the tissues, helping to counteract hair loss.
5. Seafood. Being rich in sulfur, they contribute to the formation of keratin. Also crucial zinc content in mussels and oysters. Zinc in fact contributes to the construction of the cells, and promotes the absorption of vitamins from the body.
6. green leafy vegetables. Rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, favor the production of sebum, a kind of natural balm.
7. Legumes. They have a high content of iron, zinc and biotin. To combat hair loss should take three cups per week of these foods.
8. Whole grains. These are also rich in iron and zinc. In most they give a good supply of vitamin B.
9. Dairy. Rich in protein and calcium, are useful in stimulating hair growth.
10. white meat. It allows an intake of high quality protein and large amounts of iron.
11. Red Meat. Even red meat contains a lot of iron. In addition it is also present as sulfur, vitamin A and vitamin B3. The consumption of lean red meat promotes blood circulation of the scalp and regulates the formation of sebum.

Hair Transplant in Delhi

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