Monday 13 April 2015

Cosmetic Surgery-Hair Transplant

Cosmetic Surgery-Hair Transplant
Cosmetic Surgery-Hair Transplant
We all know this fact that human hair plays a cosmetic function in any body’s life. This is the only reason that why after losing hair person may starts leading some stress based life. With the falling of air the confidence level of the person also goes on decreasing with the great speed. No doubt today with the advancement in medical field today many permanent solutions are available with the help of which one may easily get rid from problem of hair loss in men and women forever.

Hair Transplantation is the right kind of technique through which one may easily get rid from his /her thinning as well as balding problem for ever. This type of treatment is used to be applied on both male and female patients who are suffering from baldness problem. Usually in males this treatment begins by covering the entire frontal area but in females this treatment begins by treating the partition side.

Two Major Procedures of Hair transplant?

Normally hair transplant procedure is done with the help of two procedures. Out of which first one involves or starts by obtaining the follicular units from the donors site but in the second procedure the grafts are used to implant at the recipient site. The common feature which is shared by these two procedures is that both of two procedures are normally performed in a single visit which gets complete with the help of anesthesia. After the surgery sometimes patient is also kept on analgesic so that the pain level of the patient may reduce to some extent.

There are two methodology performed amid hair transplantation. The first includes acquiring the follicular units from the benefactor site, while the following one is about embedding the unions at the beneficiary site. Both the methodology are performed in the same visit. Amid transplantation, the patient is given nearby anesthesia and after the strategy, the patient is continued pain relieving. Therefore, the patient won't encounter any torment amid or after the technique.

The surgeon also ties a surgical dressing over the scalp of the patient for at least two days of surgery. Within the gap of two to three weeks of the surgery the patient may notice that the transplanted hair will fall out.

The whole procedure of transplanting hair starts by taking out hair from the donor site and transplanted these to the frontal area where they remain for whole life of the patient.

The point which matters a lot in this surgery is that to complete this whole process of surgery well qualified staff is needed.

How Hair transplant Surgery is done?
How to hair transplant Surgery is done
How Hair transplant Surgery is done?

In the starting first of all surgeons cleans up the scalp of the patient completely after cleaning scalp doctor injects an anesthesia to the patient in order to numb the area from where strip of scalp is going to removed. The removing of strip is done with the help of scalpel after that this area is hidden by the hair. After this the surgeon starts dividing the strip of removed scalp into approximately 500 to 2000 tiny grafts.

The quantity of grafts ordinarily relies on upon the kind of hair furthermore on the quality and shading of the hair. After doing whole preparation of all grafts first of all the surgeon cleans and numbs the area where these hair are going too placed normally. Then the surgeon starts creating holes or slits with the help of a needle after this surgeon gently shifts each graft in one of the holes.

To sum up we can say that after going through above discussion it becomes clear that surgery of hair transplant in India is the right solution to cope with the problem of baldness or to the problem of baldness. To enjoy good result after the surgery it is necessary that patient may follow some post-surgery instructions given by the doctor which normally includes of taking good and healthy diet. After the surgery patient must also try to take good care of the grafts only then he /she will enjoy healthy hair in their coming future.

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